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Shortways: Now referenced on AppVizer!

Shortways: Now referenced on AppVizer!

What is AppVizer? Born in 2014, AppVizer, is today considered as the first professional software selection website to find the best online tools! In brief, AppVizer is : 50 000 unique visitors per month A 20% market increase per year More than 200 000 unique visitors...
Cloud: a success led by IT and business

Cloud: a success led by IT and business

Cloud is everywhere. The adoption of cloud solutions is very important in order for the organization to become efficient! But the gap between the IT department and the rest of the company causes a wrong appropriation of this new technology. According to a recent study...
Digital Transformation: evolution of the finance function

Digital Transformation: evolution of the finance function

Oracle published an article on Digital transformation and more precisely, the way it affects the finance function. Digital Transformation : new changes to face Today, in a company, data is becoming more and more important! It allows CFO to have a vision of all the...