Shortways has been selected to join the Holy-Dis marketplace, as DAP partner.
It is indeed in order to facilitate the appropriation of its solutions, in particular Timesquare, its Time Management HRIS platform, that Holy-Dis set out to find a partner offering a digital adoption platform (DAP) adapted to his needs. After studying the various offers on the market, Shortways was able to distinguish itself and offer a solution that meets Holy-Dis’ expectations.
Integrating the Shortways Assistant into Timesquare ensures both continuous ownership of the tool and all its updates by employees, regardless of their profile or language. But also to ensure the appropriation of the rules (business procedures, regulations, etc.) which can be complex on TAM tools (Time and Activity Management).
Toan Nguyen, CEO at Shortways “It is with pleasure that we join this beautiful ecosystem already made up of big names in the HR sector such as Sopra HR Software, Temps d’Avance and Kelio. Several of our customers have already secured their TAM deployment with Shortways. In this continuity, we look forward to guiding Holy-Dis customers and their users in the digitization of their TAM process. We are particularly proud to have finalized this strategic partnership and to integrate the Holy-Dis marketplace which currently brings together 28 leading applications. »
“In addition to Timesquare Academy (online help, video, webinar, chat, notification, etc.), our customers will now be able via Shortways (DAP) – available in our Marketplace – to provide their employees with tools to accelerate the appropriation of Timesquare and optimize the use of its functional richness. Indeed, directly integrated into Timesquare screens, our customers will be able to provide their users with step-by-step guides adapted to the context of their company (business procedures, regulations, nomenclature, etc.) which can be technical and complex on management tools schedules and times. » Stéphane Chambareau, Product Marketing Manager.
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Many thanks to the entire Holy-Dis team for their trust!