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Cloud Computing represents a growing market share of the IT market, due to the many advantages that it is offering :

  • Reducing licensing cost
  • Avoiding to recruit IT staff
  • Zero maintenance, as it is managed by the SaaS vendor
  • Avoiding to manage upgrades
  • Providing access to information and data from anywhere, at any time, on any device.

Cloud Services offer many benefits that could be achieved only if users can fully master and increase their proficiency of your SaaS business solution.

So, deploying a SaaS software is an important issue that requires the involvement of every people involved with the process and the solution : key users and process owner, but also every user.

Business users are the first population concerned when it comes to use SaaS applications, not only the intensive users, but also the casual ones. So, to derive the greatest benefits, it is important to mentor, support and train your staff taking handle of your SaaS business solution.

Without the training and mentoring of your staff to your SaaS solution, you will observe:

  • A misappropriation of the solution
  • An underutilization of services and features

The success of a new tool such as a new cloud- based solution in the organization mandates the engagement and training of the people. They are the one who add value and agility to the organization.

However, training your staff to your new SaaS solution is not an easy thing. The best way to train the users is to help them on the job, in work situations.

Offering Shortways Virtual Assistant to your SaaS business users is very appropriate! The reason is that users only react and learn in front of its screen.

Thanks to Shortways, the contextual Virtual Assistant, you :

Inform users of the different features at their disposal and explain them how to use them
Train your users on the job, when they work

– Support your users with contextual self-help
Pro-actively engage users with news (new features, business related recommendations.)

With a better knowledge of your business application, be it as SaaS solution, users will improve their customer experience.

Thanks to Shortways’ statistics, you can adapt your training content according to your staff’s needs.

It is important to keep humans in mind, at the center of your Cloud Computing projects! We think at Shortways that the success of your Cloud Computing deployment requires a good appropriation from your users.

In 2016, Cloud will be synonymous with social interaction, mobility and information sharing. A new way of operating, working and collaborating within the company!