According to a study conducted by Bersin by Deloitte, the modern learner only spends 1% of its time to its own training and development of its competencies that is to say, 4.2 minutes a day. A very poor percentage that reflects their well-filled agenda and the way they operate at work.
Thanks to the figures in the infography above, we realize that the modern learner is often disrupted, impatient and only has a few seconds to spend watching a video.
Training managers must take this reality into account, optimizing the learning tool. Microlearning is a tool which fits with this new reality of overloaded learners and that displayed great potential for growth according to the report “Association Learning + Technology 2016”.
In fact, 33.3% of organizations have plan to use Microlearning into their organization in the coming years, and only 18% currently propose this type of learning tool.
But what is Microlearning?
A microlearning is a learning tool, under the form of very short videos (from 2 to 5 minutes).
It is an agile digital tool, easily available for all the users, who can train themselves online in only a few minutes.
It fits with modern learner needs, especially thanks to the many advantages it offers for users and organizations.
What are the advantages of MicroLearning?
For users:
– To save time: Microlearning is a short format. In only a few minutes, the user can train on the subject he wants.
– To train on a specific subject: each modul is different from each other and delivers a specific message.
– To be “self learning”: the user controls its training. He can decide when he wants to train, where and how.
– To train during working time: training can now be integrated during working time.
For organizations:
– Information standardization: all the employees receive the same training.
– Modules in free access: Microlearning, thanks to its short format, can be watched easily, when the employee wants.
– Precise reporting: with a tool like Office Mix (PowerPoint add in), the organization can have access to a precise reporting
– Make the employees feeling more important: the employee has the control of its training and decides on which subject he wants to focus on, when …
– No need of a new tool: microlearning can be realized easily, internally, with existing tools. The organization does not need to invest in new tools
– Reduction of training and maintenance cost: reduction of time spending in classroom traning by diffusing microlearning for all the employees.
Organizations can now organize and prepare their employees’ training by themselves. Tools that they use every day offer great possibilities. Actually, with PowerPoint, organizations can do microlearning thanks to a free add in called Office Mix (french webinar). Doing microlearning with PowerPoint is easy and do no require to buy a new tool.
A good way to avoid training sessions, workshops or plenary sessions during which one the modern learner forget 80% of the content (according to a study lead by H.F Spitzer).
Modern learner, as its name suggest, has a way of learning that is different. You can’t invite modern learners to sit down during 3 hours, presenting them how your new cloud based solution works, for example.
To be more efficient and make them want to learn something in particular, many of your employees may be happier to watch a video (a micro learning) rather than sitting for a presentation.
If you make microlearning available for users, they can watch it where they want, when they want… They are “self-learner”. They control their training, deciding by themselves what they want to focus on to be better.
Organizations should capture this environment, by making microlearning the future of training, a tool which fits perfectly the way modern learners evolve.
At Shortways, we think it is vital to involve the engagement and training of the people. It is important to keep humans in mind, at the center of your projects both technological and strategic, because users are the one who add value and agility into the organizations.
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