Misconception: “The efficiency of business support services is not a priority”
Misconception: “The efficiency of business support services is not a priority for user satisfaction and company performance”.
The pitfall of complexity in the ticket creation process for users
Discover why a complicated ticket creation process hampers your users’ performance and our tips to face this issue.
The Secret to Receiving Fewer User Tickets
Knowledge base, automating responses, anticipating issues,… Discover THE secret to receiving fewer user tickets.
Misconception: The Intranet Answers All User Questions
Discover why thinking that the intranet answers all user questions is a misconception, and 4 elements you need to reconsider.
Why you receive too many user tickets and the harmful impact on your business
Poor tickets qualification, lack of training, … Discover why you receive too many user tickets and the harmful impact on your business.
3 tips to reduce the back-and-forth in request qualification
Ticket routing, user guidance, customised forms,… Discover our 3 tips to reduce back-and-forth in request qualification.
Misconception: users know how to describe their problems
Discover in this article why thinking that users know how to describe accurately the problems they face is a misconception.
Why users never report problems correctly
Poorly written tickets, different vocabulary, … Discover in our article why users never report problems correctly.
8 secrets to ensure your employees enter accurate data
Standardised entry formats, data quality checks … Discover our 8 secrets to ensure your employees enter accurate data in your HRIS!
3 obstacles to good data quality in HRIS
Insufficient harmonisation, employee reluctance, training,… Discover in this article 3 obstacles to good data quality in HRIS.
Why does a siloed HRIS can result in poor data quality?
Duplicate entries, data entry errors, … Discover 4 reasons why a siloed HRIS can result in poor data quality.
Why are employees entering wrong data into their HRIS?
Insufficient training and support, poorly optimised HRIS … Discover why are your employees entering wrong data into their HRIS.