Support your purchase orders with Shortways

How to support all user profiles?
The Purchasing area has a large volume of user data ranging from employees to suppliers. Reaching out to all the users making purchase requisitions is complex.

How to secure user entries?
Ensuring good quality of the data entered is crucial for any business. Erroneous data can lead to further errors, restatements and distort reporting data.

How to support change management?
Communicating, training and animating its user community is at the heart of good change management, especially when deploying new tools. However, this is not always easy.
Shortways Assistant is THE solution to your problems!
With Shortways Assistant, you:

Support all your user profiles
Our digital assistant offers various help content for both managers and executive assistants. Thus, the aids offered will be adapted according to the role occupied by the user.

Support your users' input steps
With the assistant, your users have access to precise aids that will accompany them when entering their purchase requests. This will help in the reduction of errors related to selecting the wrong purchase category..

Guide your users through your software
Your employees are supported step by step throughout their navigation. As soon as he feels the need, the user can call on the Assistant, which is available at any time in the application.
Shortways: a first level of support to increase the performance of business software users
Shortways’ Virtual Assistant improves and helps to sustain the adoption of ERPs like Oracle ERP Cloud or Sage X3 by all employees, regardless of their profile.
By integrating contextual information directly into your business application, our solution trains, informs and supports users in the use of your application. The Shortways virtual assistant can integrate any type of content: business procedures, textual definitions, business rules, micro-learning, PowerPoint slides, images, etc.
Users are more autonomous in their tasks, because they can access relevant information when and where they need it! They therefore have less need to solicit user support when browsing the tool.
The Shortways Virtual Assistant is an important member of your digital transformation. It meets the different needs and makes your deployment and start-up project a success!
What are you waiting for?

The ambition of Orange is to be the trusted partner in the service of the digital transformation of its customers.
Orange, which deployed Oracle Fusion ERP in 2017, turned to Shortways to improve day-to-day support, training and communication, particularly on its purchase requisition process