White Paper: The adoption of Finance and Purchasing ERPs

Digital tools being much more present in the daily life of these functions, how to ensure their adoption?
The Finance and Purchasing functions are among the most digitized in companies, due to the massive implementation of ERP software more than 30 years ago.
Between a need to make data more reliable and centralized, the inherent complexity of the applications to be supported, and an opening of the tools to increasingly varied populations, discover our advice in this White Paper on how to make the adoption of your Finance and Purchasing tools a success, while guaranteeing an optimized user experience.
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Also find use cases from professionals, on the solutions implemented in their organizations to promote adoption:
Our population of suppliers being very varied, as well as their level of digital maturity, the challenge was to empower our suppliers on the portal. Shortways allowed us to support users in getting started with this tool by setting up different types of online help according to the needs and objectives.
Our functional support received more than 2/3 of its assistance-type calls on our 2 historical transactions, namely order entry and receipt entry. To achieve our goal of reducing this number of tickets, we thought that a digital assistant and instant help for the user would be the right tool.