Shortways Assistant for Kelio

How do I support my users in the Kelio software?
Adopting a new time and activity management tool can be a challenge for employees. Intuitive familiarisation and progressive support are essential to ensure Kelio is used smoothly and effectively.

How can you ensure the reliability of HR data entered?
The quality of HR data depends on a good understanding of the processes involved and the rigour with which users enter data. A clear interface and appropriate instructions help ensure data accuracy.

How to speed up my change management?
Adopting new software involves a learning and appropriation phase by teams. To facilitate this transition, it is essential to implement an effective change management strategy.
Shortways Assistant is THE solution to your problems!
With Shortways Assistant, you:

Support all your user profiles
Every user has specific needs when using Kelio. Shortways makes it possible to tailor support to each user’s profile and the tasks to be carried out, guaranteeing smooth, intuitive use of the software, whatever the user’s skill level.

Secure the data entered
Shortways reduces errors and improves the quality of information recorded in Kelio thanks to contextual aids. Process understanding is optimised, ensuring greater data reliability and more efficient management of human resources.

Empower your employees on Kelio
Thanks to intuitive support, staff can develop their skills quicker and become autonomous in their use of Kelio. As a result, they can make full use of the software’s functionalities without having to constantly call on internal assistance or IT support.
Shortways: a first level of support to increase the performance of Kelio users
The Shortways virtual assistant enhances and helps to sustain the adoption of Kelio by all employees, whatever their profile.
By integrating Shortways with Kelio, companies benefit from a genuine efficiency lever for their teams. Our digital assistant acts as an intelligent guide, smoothing the user experience and improving productivity.
Shortways simplifies learning and adoption of Kelio by adapting to users’ real needs. It enables employees to understand and apply best practice more quickly, avoiding the stumbling blocks and wasted time associated with mishandling the software.
What’s more, the digital assistant plays a key role in supporting change. By providing precise explanations at the right time, it helps teams to assimilate new working methods without frustration, thus reducing resistance and accelerating the adoption of new practices.
Finally, by lightening the load on IT support and HR, Shortways frees up time for support teams, who can then concentrate on higher added-value tasks. As a result, companies gain greater agility and efficiency in the management of their HR processes.
What are you waiting for?

As part of its change management approach for its 3,300 users, GRTgaz is replacing its obsolete TAM tool with Kelio.
In addition to other traditional support systems, GRTgaz turned to Shortways from the go-live in January 2023.
The assistant has made it possible to empower employees by centralising Kelio’s support content and to reduce user support.
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