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Informal Learning: How can we train business software users efficaciously?

Digital is now omnipresent in our lives. It presents a wonderful opportunity to reinvent corporate training systems. Digital innovation obviously implies new IT projects that are structuring for enterprises.

The success of these business applications depends on their willing acceptance by end-users. That’s why training is essential, for it ensures that users become more efficient and rapid in their daily work and without increasing their level of stress.

In this white paper we look at the reinvention of training systems for computer applications. We pay particular attention to so-called informal learning.

This document will be of particular interest not only to training and change management managers but also to people in charge of computer applications who would like to make their end-users more autonomous and enhance their performance and well-being.

Enjoy your reading!

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Agility and communication are the watchwords of informal learning!

Sophie Maladri

Teacher Manager, KPMG

We live today in an information sharing culture.

Louis Angeletti

Manager of Accenture Learning Services, Accenture